Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Greatest American

The Discovery Channel is having a contest for the greatest american. 100 people have been chosen, but I suggest that everyone vote for the only one that can meet the following qualifications. Tune in to the Discovery Channel on June 6 th 8:00pm, The time depends on your local area so check for the greatest american contest.

Only one individual in the 100 greatest American’s list can meet the following qualifications.
1. Published a book that is second only to the sales of the Bible. It has been translated into over 100 languages, and has improved the lives of millions who have read it. This book has been in continual publication since it was first written.
2. Created an organization started in the United States that is now world wide, with over 11,000,000 members, who still follow and revere the teachings of this individual.
3. The organization is over 175 years old, and still growing. Members are involved in every major aspect of life in the United States, and now the world. Many are in government, education, and business. A disproportionate number of members are CEO’s, CFO’s and etc in the most prolific businesses. They are involved in all of the major athletic associations, often as stars. They are stars in major theaters on Broadway, the opera, and the movies. This organization’s members are outstanding musicians and perform with major orchestras in the great cathedrals throughout the world. There are also many pop, rock, country, and gospel music stars. The members have made many of the most beautiful sculptures, murals and art in both public and private areas and buildings in the United States. They have built some of the most beautiful and creative buildings in the world.
4. The organization is known for its ability to reach out and include many other organizations and individuals in its activities. It is one of the largest teaching organizations in the world, helping local people establish schools, sanitary kitchens, dig wells, build homes, distribute medical supplies, including vaccinations for children, teach sanitation, build latrines in primitive areas throughout the world. The main thrust is to train local people to continue improving the lives of those in their area.
5. His followers serve in the military in disproportionate numbers, are lawyers, doctors, judges, teachers, both in local schools, and in many universities. The influence they exert in the United States is tremendous. These followers made it possible for the entire United States to have the wheat it needed during the first and second world wars. Also one member helped feed the entire world after the second world war.
There is no other individual in the entire list that has had and continues to have such a great influence in so many areas. The presidents stated have had a great influence on the United States and the world, but their influence decreases with time after they are no longer president. The celebrates influence people in only one area, and they often drag down moral standards rather than uplift and improve the lives of those they touch. They develop a fan base, and not a working solid ongoing base of people willing to sacrifice for them.
Heads of business such as Bill Gates, are more interested in proliferating their business than they are in helping the world. Sure they contribute a great deal, but it is only after they get what they want. Their first commitment is to their business.
I could go on and on, this is only a sample of what this one individual has contributed to the culture and life in the United States. His teachings have sustained the test of time, helped the entire world. If you haven’t guessed who the individual is, it is JOSEPH SMITH - the founder of the Mormon church.