Friday, October 31, 2008

Obama and the social services

Obama has siphoned money through his greedy and continuous asking for donations beyond anything imaginable. This has cost the non-profit organizations dearly. The poorest of the poor in our country are losing out. Donations are way down for non-profits. Food banks, associations for retarded citizens, children's hospitals, muscular dystrophy, schools, rescue missions for pets, Red Cross, Salvation Army and many, many others are suffering. What does he plan to do about this?

Thankfully, his begging will stop after the election on November 4th. His campaign has been the costliest in the nation's history. He has taken money not only from the rich, but the poor, promising the moon. Who has benefitted other than Obama himself and his cronies. He seems to have forgotten that the higher you get, the harder and faster the fall.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Obama's greed

Obama took more money out of Utah than McCain. Obama is very,very greedy. He has been sending me emails for 2 years. At first they were about 1 a week. Now there are as many as 10 daily. Some from Obama, some from Michelle, and some from Plouffe. At first they asked for $5 or whatever you could give. Now they ask for $1000. I have started spamming the emails. Obama makes it sound like a lottery. You join me and you'll have the health care you need, I'll end the war, I'll see that you have jobs. How many is he taking money from that they can't afford to send on promises he can't possible keep.

How far will he carry this? He may not be taking money from lobbiests, but will the general public make up for what lobbiests do? Obama will have to go to the people for everything that he wants congress to pass in order to circumvent the lobbiests. Those who have contributed, no matter how little, will feel that they have a right to participate, but will they do so? If they do, this will bring this country closer to a pure democracy than we have ever had before. Maybe it will work, and we will have health care, education, great economics and peace as we never have had before. If he becomes president, maybe he can pull this off. We'll see.

Still, I'm voting for McCain because rhetoric has never stood for substance and character.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Sara Palin brought in a new face, a new way of looking at the issues. This is confounding to elder statesman, and especially the established media, who try interviewing her in the same old way. Inexperience with interviewers, with national politics should not be construed as not being intelligent, capable and competent. Sara has shown competence, ability to draw people to her who can fill in for her weak areas. What more do we need in a Vice President or President? Courage, willing to listen, being strong when needed, these are the character traits that a president needs.

Hillary Clinton probably spent a lot of money on clothing also. Was that reported? No, not in a negative way. We were shown that she had a choice of pant suits for a speech. No one questioned her spending on expensive suits, nor have they questioned Obama's spending on his clothes. Clothing for public appearances are not cheap. There is little time or ability to take care of clothing. Sara made the mistake of shopping for them herself.

Sara wears skirts, and that is so refreshing. Maybe Hillary decided that in order to come across as knowledgeable and experienced she needed to emulated men so she wears pant suits. Beautiful, expensive pant suits. How much has Obama spent? How much has Michelle spent? No mention was made. They are the media delights, not to be criticized for such petty items.

Sara is showing us that we can be feminine, be a normal women with children and still succeed. We don't have to emulate men. That is refreshing, and appreciated. She is showing us that we can be barracudas and proud of it. That we can be assertive, and not be criticized, that we can break the glass ceiling while maintaining our femininity. This resonates with a lot of women who have done the same and swallowed the same criticism.

Friday, October 17, 2008


In the last debate between Obama and McCain, McCain made the point that if you want BIG government vote for Obama, if you want more personal choice vote for the McCain - Palin ticket.

Ordinary people have to make choices. The government also has to make choices. Whose choice do you prefer, yours or the governments. McCain missed an opportunity, although with the time constraints upon the debate, he didn't have the opportunity.

Obama mentioned several things he wants to do with his health care. That means that in order to receive what we need, we, the people will have to do more to keep ourselves healthy. For instance we could be forced to exercise to a certain level to receive care. If we choose to not work toward prevention, such as exercise, eat healthy, take care of our bodies, don't smoke or drink alcohol, or use drugs, we would qualify for help with the government's health care plan.

If we choose unhealthy habits that cause a particular disease or disabling conditiion we would not be eligible for health care.

Since he so carefully skirted the issue of abortion, he could lead us in the direction of forced abortions, such as China has, in order to keep the costs of government down and provide for fewer people. It is easy to say this will never happen in America, but much that was thought would never happen has.

For instance, Obama was planning on college during the era of affirmative action. Did his opportunity come at the expense of someone else? Much reverse discrimination has happened in the name of affirmative action. This would have been unimaginable 40 years ago.

The United States has changed and will continue to change. This election is about change. What kind of change? Change for the government to make more of our choices. To force everyone to school whether they want it or not. To force us to live healthy lives to get health care or who knows what else.

The change we need is not more government. It is more choices in and from the private sector so that we maintain the right to choose for ourselves and not have the government doing it for us. McCain is advocating that kind of change.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Obama on abortion

Check out Obama on abortion to find out how very liberal he is. Particularly on this issue. He has promised Planned Parenthood that he will support Pro-Choice unequivacally. He advocates that no one should have to pay for their mistake by keeping a child they hadn't planned. Obama himself has illuded to the idea that he might not have been a planned pregnancy. Where would he be today if his Mother had made that choice. This is a tremendous issue that hasn't gotten the press that it deserves. Many pro life people protest his speaches, and they have been ignored. This is the sleeping giant, the possible October surprise that could thow Obama a big curve. Those who believe in pro life are more passionate that those who believe in welfare for the masses, such as his health plan and his tax cuts.

Obama tries to strike a middle ground on all of his issues but his record doesn't reflect that. On health care, his record is definitely one of socialistic content. Ask Canada how easy it is to get care. Obama speaks of how distressing it was for his Mother to be constantly fighting with insurance companies to get what she needed. Ask veterans, disabled people, and the elderly how difficult it is to deal with the government. Medicare is a constant fight to get what you need and just try to get what was promised. We have to reform the health care system, but there has to be a better way. Medicare is underfunded, constantly cutting both doctors and hospitals payments so that getting adequate care is difficult. Young people are not becoming doctors, doctors are quitting or not taking Medicare patients. Many people with adequate insurance can't get a doctor to take their insurance. More socialism is not going to solve this.

Obama sounds like his tax plan will cut the taxes for many Americans. With 34 percent of Americans already not paying any tax, and businessess often taxed out of their business, what he would be doing is trying to take from the rich to pay for the poor. A better way would be to build business so that it could hire more people and to extend the training for those who want to and will work, instead of making the rich pay for those who don't want to work or won't.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

McCain and Palin

I don't put much here, it is too much work. I enjoyed Palin's debate, but it was apparent that neither were going to answer the questions directly.

I believe that McCain will be better equipped to work with the congress. He has years compared to Obama's 143 actual days working with congress. Whoever gets there will have his work cut out for him, and will probably be a lame duck president from the beginning. He will be in the same position President Hoover was in. No matter what is enacted it will take so long for the effects to be seen by the public that the next President will have severe problems with a second 4 years.

I am anxiously awaiting how Obama plans to do what he is promising with his health care program. Reminds me of an old song. "I never promised you a rose garden." That's what he is doing, promising a rose garden. It remains to be seen if he can accomplish that. If he has a democratic congress then this country will take a drastic turn to the left, which I really don't want to see. I like moderate politicians. The big problem he will be facing is to find the money he needs, and the willingness of congress to enact more entitlement programs since this is what he is promising. I don't know how much of the budget is entitlements, but it is a VERY large portion. There have been too many entitlements for years, and that ties up the budget. Now with this bailout, it will be worse. Social Security, and Medicare are entitlements, and include most of our disabled funding.

No matter who gets in, they will be in the same position as President Hoover. No matter what is enacted it will take so long for the effects to be seen by the public that the next President will have severe problems with a second 4 years.

Since I worked for the government most of my life, I have a little understanding of budgeting and the ability to get things passed. During Reagan's term we received 3 checks we couldn't cash because he had vetoed the budget. There wasn't a temporary budget passed for that long. It was difficult for me to go that long before receiving a valid check. A month and one half can kill a regular person's budget. I had other work also, and Glenn was working so we got along, but it was hard.