Friday, October 31, 2008

Obama and the social services

Obama has siphoned money through his greedy and continuous asking for donations beyond anything imaginable. This has cost the non-profit organizations dearly. The poorest of the poor in our country are losing out. Donations are way down for non-profits. Food banks, associations for retarded citizens, children's hospitals, muscular dystrophy, schools, rescue missions for pets, Red Cross, Salvation Army and many, many others are suffering. What does he plan to do about this?

Thankfully, his begging will stop after the election on November 4th. His campaign has been the costliest in the nation's history. He has taken money not only from the rich, but the poor, promising the moon. Who has benefitted other than Obama himself and his cronies. He seems to have forgotten that the higher you get, the harder and faster the fall.

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