Friday, September 12, 2008

Why I am writing about McCain-Palin and Obama-Biden campaigns.

I read with interest much of Charles Gibson's interview with Sara Palin. I also read many of the comments. I felt I had something to contribute. That's why I decided to write this blog on how the issues affect our values.

McCain is pictured as not talking about the issues. McCain has extensive information on his site. Obama rarely states in specifics, instead he laundry lists his plans to change the country. He also has extensive information on his site. There is very little difference in what the two are promising. That is why I am writing this.

Do we vote on issues or values? I think values. Canidates are elected on their perceived values. Not because of what they say, as much as what they do. We look at them through filters that reflect our values.

How does each one reflect our values? How will this effect our country? Under McCain, we will be conservative with a reflection on traditional values of family and country. Under Obama, we will be more liberal, developing a bigger and more socialized country. This election will come down to which do you choose.

President Johnson took us down the road to liberalism, President Reagan sharply changed that direction and made us more conservative. I benefitted a great deal from Johnson's presidency as did many others, but it led to much less freedom and countless regulations that have crippled other segments of the country. President Reagan's conservativtism helped some segments and crippled others, but the economy benefitted. The economy benefits more from conservative values because of more freedom for everyone. The economy generally loses with liberalism because it makes for a larger, more costly, more invasive government. President Clinton was more moderate, able to improve the economy with the help of a republican congress.