Friday, October 26, 2012

Is this country headed to Socialism?

Yesterday, I became a poll worker here in Orem , Utah and I voted for Barack Obama, on a straight democratic ticket. I realize that this will not do me any good because most people in Utah are Republicans, and because I'm LDS, I'm out of the mainstream. I even think some of the people in Utah think of Romney as a Savior of the constitution, but I don't think the constitution is in trouble.

What I think will happen is the gradual unraveling of the supports and helps we have put in for those among us who are either poor or working poor and without health care that is vitally important to keeping a healthy population.

I am not concerned for this republic becoming a socialist country, but I am concerned that their be enough of socialist ideas in place that the average American can go from state to state and be assured that there is uniformity. Previously in this country moving from state to state has meant different standards in schools, health care, care for our most vulnerable citizens (the mentally handicapped and other type of handicapped people). Thanks to some federal laws in place every state has to provide adequate education for all of its citizens and a family with a mentally handicapped child can move to any state and expect to find services.

Is this socialism? I don't believe so because we aren't trying to provide for all of our people's needs, we are merely making basic needs available throughout this nation and avoiding some of the patchwork laws that we have when state's rights are more prevalent than national rights.

I believe that there are more people who believe as I do than believe in state's rights. Down deep we all want to feel that we have a United Nation, and not 50 different small fiefdoms that are called states.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I just want to say that I have changed my mind about President Obama. I decided that since he was elected, I would give him a chance, and I think he has done as well as can be expected with all of the problems he inherited or happened since he became President. He could be much faster at approaching a crises, but that is my only complaint. He seems to study them out before he says anything. It appears that he is being sure of what is the best thing the government can do given the circumstances. He meets with such opposition from the Republicans, when they could contribute instead of acting like obstinate 2 1/2 year old children.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

A special miracle that happened to our family.

October 31, 1957 was a great day, Debbie was born, and she was a special child. We didn't know, it at that time. She came to our hourse very ill requiring constant attention, she couldn't swallow properly, she had to be taught, she had troubles breathing and needed to be constantly held upright or she would quit breathing. Teaching her these activities was only the begining, we spent the next 23 years teaching her just about everything she knew, except about Jesus. She, as do many retarded, understood what Jesus had done for her and all of us. This is a special gift. I have witnessed this gift many times and marveled at it. I think I can comprehend what Jesus did for us, but not with the same depth she had.

After she was born, we had a miracle happen that litterly saved Glenn, Linda, myself and Debbie's lives. I had never lived where I had to light a stove for heat. I thought you turned a stove on and it just lit itself. I found out different. We had moved into a new apartment in San Francisco, and it was cold, so I turned the stove on, without lighting it, and it spewed natural gas into the apartment. This apartment was in the Hunter Point Housing Project, and was largely black housing. We had been forced to move there because our unit behind San Francisco city College was being demolished, and everyone living there was offered housing in black housing or rent privately. Renting private housing cost three times what the housing units did. We were San Francisco's effort to integrate their black housing. That was the year the integration law was passed. Black housing was very different than the white housing we were moving from. There was no grass, it was dirt, we didn't have a refrigerator, a hole in the wall held a box that hung outside and acted as a cooler. Our unit held 4 black families and 4 white college student's.
Our apartment was three blocks and three flights of stairs from the street where we had to park our car. Glenn was a student at San Francisco City College, but was offerred a job with Triple AAA, at the end of the quarter, so he was working there, planning to finish school at night, but Debbie took both of us just to keep her alive, so Glenn was unable to finish his accounting degree.

That was also the year of the worst flu epidemic the nation had seen since the early 30's. Glenn had the flu, I had the flu, I don't remember if Linda and Debbie had the flu, but Debbie still had to be held upright to breathe. Glenn spent all night painting the apartment, it looked nice.

I was lying on the couch, on my side holding Debbie upright against my stomache, I noticed that Linda was lying on the floor going to sleep, and Glenn was in the bedroom asleep. Suddenly I heard a very loud knock on the door. I remember just being able to wake up enough to go to the door. There was a man at the door. When I opened the door, he ran through the apartment, shut off the stove, and opened all the windows. He said it smalled of gas.

We had no food, we hadn't finished moving from the old apartment, and much of our food was there boxed up. He said that he was selling food, I remember saying, on Sunday?, and he said yes. He asked us how much money we had. We had just $15 and he said that would buy all the food he had. So we bought it, and it kept us fed for at least 2 weeks. By then Glenn was well enough to go to the other apartment and bring what was left there. The next day, I told the neighbors about this man coming and asked if they had bought food too, no one had even seen an unusual looking white man walking the project. Because this project was black , and had a very bad reputation, few people came there if they didn't live there. Also because it was on a hill and walking from the street was so far, people who didn't have to be there didn't come.

I am telling this today, because in praying about miracles, this is the one that stood out today. I have long thought that the man was John the Baptist, or one of the three nephites. Just think, a strange person shows up at your door, walking 3 blocks, climbing 3 flights of stairs on the side of a hill, then having to come to an apartment on the top floor of the building, and we were the only person visited? It was a miracle, and he saved our lives. I am grateful for that, and for everything else the Lord has done for me. Since I started praying to recognize the miracles in my life, I have been amazed at how many come to mind.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Obama and the social services

Obama has siphoned money through his greedy and continuous asking for donations beyond anything imaginable. This has cost the non-profit organizations dearly. The poorest of the poor in our country are losing out. Donations are way down for non-profits. Food banks, associations for retarded citizens, children's hospitals, muscular dystrophy, schools, rescue missions for pets, Red Cross, Salvation Army and many, many others are suffering. What does he plan to do about this?

Thankfully, his begging will stop after the election on November 4th. His campaign has been the costliest in the nation's history. He has taken money not only from the rich, but the poor, promising the moon. Who has benefitted other than Obama himself and his cronies. He seems to have forgotten that the higher you get, the harder and faster the fall.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Obama's greed

Obama took more money out of Utah than McCain. Obama is very,very greedy. He has been sending me emails for 2 years. At first they were about 1 a week. Now there are as many as 10 daily. Some from Obama, some from Michelle, and some from Plouffe. At first they asked for $5 or whatever you could give. Now they ask for $1000. I have started spamming the emails. Obama makes it sound like a lottery. You join me and you'll have the health care you need, I'll end the war, I'll see that you have jobs. How many is he taking money from that they can't afford to send on promises he can't possible keep.

How far will he carry this? He may not be taking money from lobbiests, but will the general public make up for what lobbiests do? Obama will have to go to the people for everything that he wants congress to pass in order to circumvent the lobbiests. Those who have contributed, no matter how little, will feel that they have a right to participate, but will they do so? If they do, this will bring this country closer to a pure democracy than we have ever had before. Maybe it will work, and we will have health care, education, great economics and peace as we never have had before. If he becomes president, maybe he can pull this off. We'll see.

Still, I'm voting for McCain because rhetoric has never stood for substance and character.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Sara Palin brought in a new face, a new way of looking at the issues. This is confounding to elder statesman, and especially the established media, who try interviewing her in the same old way. Inexperience with interviewers, with national politics should not be construed as not being intelligent, capable and competent. Sara has shown competence, ability to draw people to her who can fill in for her weak areas. What more do we need in a Vice President or President? Courage, willing to listen, being strong when needed, these are the character traits that a president needs.

Hillary Clinton probably spent a lot of money on clothing also. Was that reported? No, not in a negative way. We were shown that she had a choice of pant suits for a speech. No one questioned her spending on expensive suits, nor have they questioned Obama's spending on his clothes. Clothing for public appearances are not cheap. There is little time or ability to take care of clothing. Sara made the mistake of shopping for them herself.

Sara wears skirts, and that is so refreshing. Maybe Hillary decided that in order to come across as knowledgeable and experienced she needed to emulated men so she wears pant suits. Beautiful, expensive pant suits. How much has Obama spent? How much has Michelle spent? No mention was made. They are the media delights, not to be criticized for such petty items.

Sara is showing us that we can be feminine, be a normal women with children and still succeed. We don't have to emulate men. That is refreshing, and appreciated. She is showing us that we can be barracudas and proud of it. That we can be assertive, and not be criticized, that we can break the glass ceiling while maintaining our femininity. This resonates with a lot of women who have done the same and swallowed the same criticism.