Thursday, October 30, 2008

Obama's greed

Obama took more money out of Utah than McCain. Obama is very,very greedy. He has been sending me emails for 2 years. At first they were about 1 a week. Now there are as many as 10 daily. Some from Obama, some from Michelle, and some from Plouffe. At first they asked for $5 or whatever you could give. Now they ask for $1000. I have started spamming the emails. Obama makes it sound like a lottery. You join me and you'll have the health care you need, I'll end the war, I'll see that you have jobs. How many is he taking money from that they can't afford to send on promises he can't possible keep.

How far will he carry this? He may not be taking money from lobbiests, but will the general public make up for what lobbiests do? Obama will have to go to the people for everything that he wants congress to pass in order to circumvent the lobbiests. Those who have contributed, no matter how little, will feel that they have a right to participate, but will they do so? If they do, this will bring this country closer to a pure democracy than we have ever had before. Maybe it will work, and we will have health care, education, great economics and peace as we never have had before. If he becomes president, maybe he can pull this off. We'll see.

Still, I'm voting for McCain because rhetoric has never stood for substance and character.

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